Addiction is a complex and challenging issue that affects not only…
Many people struggling with mental health or addiction issues may feel like now is the right time for them to get treatment, but also struggle with whether the holidays are the right time to do it. They wonder if they will be letting people down during the holidays, if they will have time for treatment, and even what kind of parties they will miss if they enter into a treatment program around the holidays, However, we think there are a lot of great reasons to go ahead and start treatment over the winter holidays instead of waiting after the New Year.
The Holidays Are Stressful
If your holidays look like a Hallmark Christmas movie, awesome. For most of us, even those that love the holidays, it takes a lot of stress, strain, and worry to get that picture-perfect holiday feel. Holidays can also mean interacting with family members in ways that can cause additional stress. If you are already struggling, the stress of the holidays can set you up for failure. For people with addiction issues, it can include increased substance use, while people with depression or anxiety may want to shut down. Seeking treatment can put you outside of these stressful scenarios.
Sobriety Is Tricky During the Holidays
Holidays are all about parties. Parties mean alcohol, and, depending on your peer group, may also mean drugs. Even in a pandemic year, when people may not be gathering in person, there is a lot of pressure to use substances during holiday parties. If you have been struggling with substance abuse, the holidays can be very challenging. Getting treatment can keep you from sabotaging yourself.
Time Off Work
If you are considering an out-patient treatment regime, it is often easier to get time off during the holidays because many workplaces really slow down during the holiday season. You may also have hit deductibles or have money in healthcare accounts to spend before the new year.
A Gift for Yourself and Your Family
While seeking treatment is something you do for yourself, it is undeniable that it has a great impact on your family, as well. There is a good chance that you and your family are worried about the holiday season. The holidays can be a vicious cycle of stress, worry, strain, and feeling really bad about yourself. Seeking treatment is not going to fix every problem you have overnight, but it can leave you feeling physically and emotionally good for the holidays.